The Realities of Remote Work

Remote work also makes it easier for employees to manage doctor appointments, check on an ailing parent, accommodate a child’s school schedule or other challenges. By reducing friction for your employees, WFH can benefit the overall organization. With remote work, you can hire the top talent your company needs and deserves.

According to Owl Labs’ State of Remote Work, companies that support remote work experience 25% lower turnover than those that don’t. Many employees got a taste of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the majority want to continue to work remotely. The best person for the job probably doesn’t live within commuting distance of your office and might not want to move. Hiring remote talent means you can find the most uniquely suited person for the position. Other employees benefit from the flexibility provided by asynchronous communication. They can work the hours that suit them, whether in the morning, middle of the day, or late at night.

Where Companies Want Employees to Work — and Where People Actually Want to Work

If you want to signal that you tolerate virtual work, come into the office every day and join meetings in-person with those who happen to be in the building. This will result in a cultural belief that the HQ or physical offices are the real centers of gravity, and that face time is what’s important. Have you ever run into a colleague in the hallway and, by doing so, learned something you didn’t know? Informal interactions and unplanned encounters foster the unexpected cross-pollination of ideas—the exchange of tacit knowledge—that are essential to healthy, innovative organizations. Employees with jobs that require minimal coordination could potentially use these findings in negotiations with a prospective employer, says Choudhury. I’ve learned to set boundaries and clearly communicate the working hours with the team and family members.

  • It’s the sense of meaningful commitment a person feels toward their work; it’s the emotional fulfillment they receive from a job well done.
  • Remote work — especially for those who live alone — can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • As some companies move to adopt broader telecommute policies, others such as Yahoo! have publicly retreated from allowing workers to perform their jobs away from headquarters.
  • As a fully remote company, you have no cost of office space – one of the top expenses for nearly every business.
  • Being able to roll out of bed and start working is a huge time saver.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. employers are saving over $30 billion per day by allowing employees to work from home. This major economic benefit of remote work could continue as more companies make it a long-term solution. As more and more companies allow employees to continue working remotely post-pandemic—like Twitter, Square, Shopify, and Facebook, to name just a few—they’ll also see significant long-term cost savings. Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health. The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

Do you prefer to work remotely?

As it happens, on average, remote employees in the pandemic are working 26 extra hours every month, amounting to almost one extra day every week, according to the Owl Labs survey. The proliferation of remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic reflected the harsh realities of coping with a deadly communicable disease. While some heralded the development as a net positive for employers and employees alike, others were less convinced. Articles and op-eds proclaiming it was bad for business and for the careers of those who didn’t want to return to offices popped up on a regular basis.

“Tech alone is not the experience, but rather enhances or detracts from it,” he said. I have worked remotely for a decade and ran a fully remote, four-day work week company for eight years. Some people who work from home can qualify for a home office tax deduction. If you work in an office, you need to live somewhere close to that office. Therefore, you could work for the cool company that grew in a major city like San Francisco, but do it from the mountains of Colorado (where you are the happiest). According to a Udemy survey, 70% admit they feel distracted when they are in a workplace, with 16% percent saying that they’re almost always distracted.

Advantages of remote work

The dispersed employees working remotely require new leadership behaviors to compensate for the reduced socioemotional cues characteristic of digital channels. Once teams and individuals understand what they are responsible for delivering, in terms of results, leaders should focus on monitoring the outcome-based measurements. When leaders focus on outcomes and outputs, virtual workers deliver higher-quality work. Be cautious if you think better access to talent or lower real-estate cost—which the all-virtual model would seem to optimize—outweigh all other considerations. On the other hand, few companies would be better off choosing an entirely on-premises model, given that at least some of their workers need flexibility because of work–life or health constraints. That leaves most companies somewhere in the middle, with a hybrid mix of remote and on-site working.

how remote work can benefit employees and companies

And 62% said better access to useful tech would make them happier at work. All too often, organizations invest in large technology systems but don’t see widespread employee adoption, in part because these tools don’t reflect how employees actually work. At the same time, workers are clamoring for tools that will help them do their jobs better. By intentionally translating these things to virtual environments, leaders of remote teams can keep their people as engaged and energized as their colleagues in the office — if not more so. A culture of communication doesn’t mean micromanaging everything workers do or scheduling endless meetings. Rather, it means normalizing the idea that employees should keep one another — and their managers — updated on their work.

Once a company’s employees are spread far and wide, leadership will want to keep tabs on them to some extent. In a remote work world, this means managers can no longer walk across the office to check in on their employees. Instead, they need to schedule virtual meetings to discuss routine project management tasks. While digital meetings can be less disruptive than in-person meetings, they are rarely the highlight of the workday. And having too many meetings often causes frustration among employees. Allowing remote work can help businesses retain employees and prevent absenteeism.

The Rise of Remote Developers: Trends and Statistics – ReadWrite

The Rise of Remote Developers: Trends and Statistics.

Posted: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 17:02:07 GMT [source]